Finding the Best Option for a Natural Butt Lift: EMSculpt vs. Other Procedures

So You Want a Bigger Booty…

There’s nothing quite like having a perky, well-rounded butt. The virtues of a generous booty have been celebrated in songs, magazines, and countless social media posts. Who wouldn’t want to strut down the street like Beyoncé or Megan Thee Stallion knowing you look perfect in those apple bottom jeans?

Of course, nature didn’t gift most of us with the bodies we see in magazines and on social media. People drive themselves crazy trying to achieve unrealistic body ideals, having dangerous surgeries or spending countless hours in the gym trying to measure up.
Thankfully, there are many non-invasive options that don’t break the bank.

Let’s take a look at the options out there for enhancing your buttocks. After reading, you’ll have a stronger understanding of which option would work best for you.

Your Butt Lift Options

Surgery: Also Known as a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

This famous procedure sculpts rounder and larger buttocks with fat from your own body. Fat is extracted from elsewhere in the body, often the hips, lower back, and thighs. It is then processed and reinjected into the buttocks. This procedure has the benefit not only of enhancing the buttocks, but of removing fat from other problem areas.

Nevertheless, the Brazilian butt lift has its downsides. For about 2-6 weeks after the surgery, you will be unable to sit for prolonged periods since this will damage the newly implanted fat and may cause your buttock shape to change. This also means sleeping on your stomach or side. For 7-10 days, you may experience pain, soreness, and swelling around the surgery sites that can be managed with medication.

Final results are not visible until up to a year after your surgery. Some of your initial volume may decrease over the next several years, since the newly injected fat is reabsorbed into the body over time.

Butt Implants

Silicone implants are another technique for buttock augmentation. The behind gets two implants, one in each cheek, that are inserted via small incisions at the top of the buttocks, where they enhance the buttocks’ curvature and volume. This procedure is a more permanent option than a Brazilian butt lift since implants cannot be absorbed into the body.

Implants, however, have more potential complications than a BBL. These can include scarring, excessive bleeding, fluid accumulation, and allergic reactions. Though implants are generally safe, there is a small chance of leakage. The implants could potentially slip from their initial location, requiring additional surgeries to move them back into place.

As with a BBL, implants have a recovery period of several months. For approximately 2-3 weeks after the procedure, you need to wear a support garment to help your skin redrape properly, and will be unable to sit normally. Your implants may take about three months to settle into their final positions. Pain levels are similar to a BBL, with the possibility of short-term swelling, aching, and bruising around the incisions.


There are some injectable options available for enhancing your backside as well. Qwo is an FDA-approved injectable for treating cellulite on the buttocks. It works by targeting and breaking down the fibrous septa bands that attach the skin to the underlying muscle. With the tension of these bands released, subcutaneous fat cells spread out more evenly, eliminating the divots and pockmarks of cellulite.

Sculptra takes a different approach. This injectable, containing poly-L-lactic-acid (PLLA) stimulates collagen growth in the buttocks for 8-24 months. The new collagen builds tissue, adds volume, and creates a lifted appearance. It is also completely safe, since PLLA gradually breaks down over time and leaves the body, with your new collagen and lifted booty still in place.

With both of these injectables, pain levels are minimal to nonexistent. A local anesthetic can be used to numb the treatment area during the procedure. Afterwards, you may experience slight bruising at the injection site, but this should fade within several days.

Injections of silicone or hydrogel for butt enhancement are unsafe, mostly illegal, and not FDA-approved. Serious, life-threatening side effects can occur. As such, we do not recommend this option.

EmSculpt Neo: The Non-Surgical Butt Lift

Now that we’ve explored surgical butt lift options, let’s look at the best non-surgical option on the market: EmSculpt NEO by BTL. It’s non-invasive. No incisions, implants, or downtime required. It’s safe. There’s no possibility of leakage, bleeding, or allergic reactions. And most importantly, it boasts a 95% patient satisfaction rating, so it really works.

EmSculpt NEO is an FDA-approved body sculpting procedure available at Clinical Aesthetics that can be completed in a series of 30-minute visits, with the number of sessions depending on your BMI and personal goals. It uses HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic Energy) to stimulate supramaximal muscle contractions, which tone and tighten your glutes while all you have to do is relax on a bed. The muscle contractions from one EmSculpt NEO session are the equivalent of 20,000 squats.

EmSculpt is ideal for patients wanting to avoid the dangers of surgical procedures, eliminate fat, and tone their muscles. The procedure requires zero downtime. You can get an EmSculpt treatment done and go back to work, or return home to chase after your toddlers. The result is a rounded, enhanced booty without the need for downtime, implants, or fat injections.

Most patients start seeing results from two weeks to a month after their last EmSculpt session, with their enhanced appearance continuing to improve over the following weeks. Since EmSculpt is basically a workout, you may feel some soreness as if you just hit the gym, but there should be no actual pain.

EmSculpt is not recommended for pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, or people with metal in their hips. Results can vary from patient to patient.

Should I Get EmSculpt?

This procedure is a great non-surgical option, as opposed to the invasive, surgical options we’ve explored. With EmSculpt, you get the buttock enhancement you want, with minimal discomfort, no downtime, and effective results. You won’t have to worry about healing from surgery or potentially needing follow-up surgery down the road.

EmSculpt treatments at Clinical Aesthetics are satisfying, safe, and effective: the best non-surgical butt lift on the market. To maintain your treatment results, we recommend a healthy lifestyle and routinely working the muscle groups that EmSculpt focuses on. The procedure can also be repeated as many times as desired and maintained with quarterly or monthly tone-ups.

Get that booty you’ve been lusting after without killing yourself in the gym or undergoing risky surgery. Book your EmSculpt consultation today!



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