Skin Resurfacing Orange County

Strip away imperfections in the skin

Sometimes traditional methods are not enough to remove your wrinkles, scars, and the effects of aging and sun damage. If you’ve tried other anti-aging methods without success, laser skin resurfacing may be an option.

Sometimes called a “laser peel,” the procedure strips away the damaged upper layer of skin and stimulates collagen production. The result is smoother, younger, healthier skin.

Whether you are concerned with a specific area or your entire face. Some of the conditions that can be addressed with this procedure include:

  • Wrinkles: vertical lines around the mouth, crow’s feet around the eyes, fine wrinkling of the eyelids, and general lines across the face
  • PIgmentation imperfections: Freckles, sun spots, age spots, melasma, cafe au lait spots, birthmarks, moles
  • Scars: acne, chicken pox, superficial scars from past injuries
  • Certain pre-cancerous skin growths


The procedure takes about 30-45 minute for targeted areas of the face. Treating your entire face usually takes about 2 hours.

Laser skin resurfacing does have a short recovery period associated with it. After your procedure, the treated area will be bandaged. It will take between 10 and 21 days for it to heal. During this time, you will clean the area 4-5 times a day and apply ointment to promote healing. To further protect your skin, you will need to avoid sun exposure and moisturize the treated area.

To learn more about this sophisticated treatment option, book your appointment at Clinical Aesthetics today.



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