Vasershape Orange County

Instantly smooth away wrinkles and lines

No matter how fit and trim you are, you may still be struggling with the appearance of cellulite. The uneven, dimpled appearance of fat deposits can detract from an otherwise lovely appearance. You could try liposuction or another invasive method to remove it, but there has to be a better way.

Vaser shape is the first FDA-approved non-invasive device for removing the appearance of cellulite. A combination of massage and ultrasonic treatments warms the target area and treats underlying fatty tissue, increases blood circulation, and increases lymphatic drainage.


The ultrasound technology warms the fat to create a “micromassage” on the cells, helping the lymphatic system to drain away toxins and lipids and increasing blood flow to the area. It can help relieve muscle spasms and firm and tighten the skin as well.

You will see immediate results, shedding inches from the target area. Your body will look smoother and more natural than before your treatment. Full results are obtained in only 3-5 treatments.

To learn more about this amazing treatment, contact Clinical Aesthetics and make an appointment with us today.



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